Not sure if you need a chimney inspection? Here’s how you’ll know.
Many people are totally unaware of the telltale signs that a chimney needs inspection. For homeowners, this can be hazardous and tragic. Instead of ignoring the clear and blatant signs that your chimney needs an inspection, take time to educate yourself on the key signs to look out for when it comes to your chimney and the health and safety of your humble abode. Here are the clear signs to keep in mind when it comes to a chimney inspection.
Any Excess Smoke In The House
If you have smoke backing up in your home, that could be one of the biggest signs that a chimney professional should inspect your chimney as soon as possible. Moreover, if your flue damper is open, it could be a sign that the flue itself is blocked, which could be extremely hazardous. Therefore, avoid excess soot by having a regularly scheduled chimney inspection as soon as you notice the smoke coming from your chimney unnecessarily.
Twigs In Your Fireplace
If you hear any animal or bird sounds coming from your chimney, that is likely another sign that you’ll need to have the chimney inspected as soon as you can. Avoid a hazardous situation by having your chimney inspected as soon as you notice anything unusual — especially when it comes to bird or animal noises.
A Fire In The Chimney Itself
Naturally, fires should only be in the fireplace. If you experience a fire in the chimney, it could be very detrimental to your home’s structure. A fire in the chimney could signal that you may have damaged bricks, cracked mortar, or potentially a warped chimney flue. All of these issues can be hazardous to your home.
Any Black Smoke In The Air
Whenever you see black smoke, you intuitively should know that’s not a great sign. This is especially true when you see it coming from your chimney. Black smoke in the air is a telltale sign that you may be experiencing a massive problem with your chimney, and one should schedule an inspection as soon as possible.
Call the Experts at Champion Chimneys Today!
Champion Chimneys, Inc. is a fully licensed, bonded and insured chimney service company that has served customers in Baltimore County, Howard County, and Anne Arundel County, Maryland since 2001. Our team is trained and certified by Certified Chimney Professionals, Inc. (CCP, Inc.). Courteous service is our trademark, and our crews arrive on time in uniform, driving fully equipped trucks. We specialize in all aspects of your chimney system. Whether you need chimney and flue cleaning service or a full chimney rebuild or inspection, contact us at 443-Chimney today and let us fix all your chimney problems. Also, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.